Scala Materials
Quick References
- Scala Standard Library API
- Scala School!: A Scala tutorial by Twitter
- A Tour of Scala: Tutorial introducing the main concepts of Scala
- Scala Overview on StackOverflow: A list of useful questions sorted by topic
Week 1
- Martin’s talk at OSCON 2011: Working Hard to Keep it Simple (slides)
- Books:
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Harold Abelson and Gerald J. Sussman. 2nd edition. MIT Press 1996. - [Full text available online].
- Programming in Scala. Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon and Bill Venners. 3nd edition. Artima 2016.
- Programming in Scala. Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon and Bill Venners. 2nd edition. Artima 2010. - [Full text of 1st edition available online].Artima has graciously provided a 25% discount on the 2nd edition of Programming in Scala to all participants of this course. To receive the discount, simply visit and during checkout, please use the coupon code: COURSERA-ODERSKY to have the discount applied.
- Scala for the Impatient. Cay Horstmann. Addison-Wesley 2012. - [First part available for download.]
- Scala in Depth. Joshua D. Suereth. Manning 2012. - [Available for purchase].
- Programming Scala. Dean Wampler and Alex Payne. O’Reilly 2009. [Available for purchase].
Week 2
- Glossary of Scala and FP terms, for any issues with terminology.
Week 3+
- Scala By Example, for more examples which illustrate concepts covered in the lectures.
- Scala Cheatsheet, for a quick reference covering pattern matching syntax, for-comprehension syntax, and more.