Online Resources for Data Science

Here I want to share some classic online courses which can be really helpful for entering the field of Data Science. Combining with the graduate studies at USC Data Informatics, these courses can consolidate your studies and make you better qualified for job hunting.

UW Data Science at Scale
Big data INF551 data management
ML modeling & some visualization INF 552 
Clustering INF 553 INF552

Hadoop + Spark
551 553 base job Point

ML with Big data

Princeton Algorithm CSCI570
java oop programming 
algorithm design
assignment hard
very useful

Stanford ML INF552
matlab- important should be introduction course for machine learning

INF 553原型和完整版

4.17 week
1. UCSDHadoop + Spark 551 复习
2. DEN 570
3. GitHub 553 hw回顾,post GitHub

553 数据挖掘算法回顾。github,blog更新



8 Link Analysis

1 Map reduce problems

NoSql and AWS DynamoDB practices