Nosql- MongoDB

Introduction: this part of content we can have more practice on ec2 mongo

  • –
  • – cursor/ 

The Points of abstraction:

  1. Manage JSON document
  2. Key concepts: document, collection, primary key (_id)
  3. Query language: insert, find, update, remove, aggregate
  4. Sharding 

Document store

MongoDB is a document database 
A document is similar to an json object
  1. Consists of field-value pairs
  2. Value may be another document, array, String, number
Document = record/row in RDBMS


No need to explicitly create it, just use it 
automatically created once add a collection (i.e. table) to it 

use inf551 
show databases 


Document are stored in a collection = table in RDBMS
But docs may have different structure, while records in RDBMS have the same schema 

Primary key 

Every doc has a unique_id field

ObjectId() function-- creates an ID

db.person.insert({"_id": ObjectId(), "name": "john smith"}) 
db.person.insert({"name": "john smith"}) 
no specification of "_id" field. 
But an id will be automatically created 
A 12-byte hexademical value 
> db.person.find()
{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "john smith" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("590172335afab943f9877543"), "name" : "john smith" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5901723a5afab943f9877544"), "name" : "john smith" }

Embedded sub-document 

{ "_id" : 1, "name" : "john smith" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("590172335afab943f9877543"), "name" : "john smith" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5901723a5afab943f9877544"), "name" : "john smith" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5901729c5afab943f9877545"), "name" : "david johnson", 
"address" : { "street" : "123 maple", "city" : "LA", "zip" : 91989 }, "phone" : [ "323-123-0000", "626-124-0999" ] }


db.person.find() —Return all documents in person 
db.person.find({"name": "kevin small"}) 
db.person.find({"age": {$gt: 25}})  => >
db.person.find({"name": "kevin small", "age": {$gt: 25}}) =>and
db.person.find({ $or: [{"name": "kevin small"}, {"age": {$gt: 25}} ] }) =>or

Query operator 

Introduced by $
$lt, $gt(>), $lte, $gte, $ne(!=) —comparison 
$or, $and, $not—logical


db.person.find( {"age": {$ne: 25} }, 
{"name":1, "age": 1} )
'select _id, name, age from users where age != 25' 
1: included in result; 0: do not 

db.person.find( {"age": {$ne: 25} }, 
{"name":1, "age": 1, "_id": 0} ) 
not return id, e.g.
{ "name" : "john smith" } 
{ "name" : "david johnson" }
{ "name" : "kevin small", "age" : 35 } 


db.person.update({ "age": { $gt: 25 } }, { $set: { "status": "C" } }, { multi: true } )
Update users set status = 'C' where age > 25 
  1. Existing documents may not have status field; if not, insert it instead
  2. Update one or all documents 

db.person.update({}, {$set: {"status":'C'}}, {multi: true}) 
Add "status" field to all documents 


db.person.update({}, {$unset: {"status": ""}}, {multi: true}) 
Remove "status" field from all docs 


db.person.remove({}) – Remove all documents 
db.person.remove( { "age": {$gt: 30} } ) -condition 



Embedded document 
db.person.find({"": "LA"}) 
Return all docs whose city sub-field of address field = "LA" 


db.person.aggregate([{"$group": { _id: "$age", total:{$sum:1} } } ]) 
{ "_id" : 25, "total" : 1 } 
{ "_id" : 35, "total" : 1 } 
{ "_id" : null, "total" : 4 } 
_id = age grouped attribute

Sharding-horizontal scaling 

At collection level—Method of distributing data across multi-machines 
User-specified shard key, a field in a document 

Support sharing by key range or hashing



8 Link Analysis

1 Map reduce problems

NoSql and AWS DynamoDB practices