3 Mining transactional data
Mining transactional data—frequent item-sets chapter 6
Frequent itemsets: sup(I) >= s
Support of I:
sup(I) = # baskets that contains all items in I
Support ratio = sup(I)/n
n = # baskets
Maximally frequent:
I is frequent, none of I’s supersets is frequent
1. Baskets—transactions// documents
2. Items—products// words
3. Frequent item sets: products frequently bought together// Words that occur together frequently in many documents
Association rules:
I —>j ( I: a set of items, J: an item )
I: a set of items, j: an item
If all of items in I appear in some baskets, then j likely appears in that baskets too
Confidence( I->j )= sup(I U{j})/sup(I)
Finding rules with high confidence:
I —>j: both of sup(I U{j}) and sup(I) should be high
- For frequent item sets
- For each of them j, determine if J-{j}—>j has high confidence for j belongs to J
Interest of rules
Interest(I->j) = conf(I->j)-sup_ratio({j})
Apriori algorithms:
Make 2 passes
- Find frequent 1-itemsets
- Find frequent pairs only pairs of frequent items are considered
1 pass
1. Data structure:
1) Translation table T: item names => integers
Idea: representing items using integers, hash table.
a. for each item x in the basket file
b. hash x to a bucket in the table, initialize sequence # s = 1
c. if x is not yet in the bucket, assign s to x, record x and its number in the bucket, increment s
2) Count table C1: i-th element storing count of i-th item, initially all counts = 0
Idea: Triangular-matrix = Stored as an array with n(n-1)/2 counts
Triples = (i, j, count)
- Read baskets
- for each baskets: 1) translate each of its item to an int, i 2)Increment the count of the i th element in C1
- Return items with sufficient support
Count table --> Frequent items table F
key 1-m = index range of m frequent items
value 1~n = old item index
2 pass:
finding frequent pairs
for each basket:
a. find frequent items using F
b. generate pairs of them
c. count each pair
2+ passes
Pass k, 2 sets are used:
1. Ck--candidate k-itemsets + Lk--frequent k-itemsets
2. For k-itemsets, use k+1-tuple (i1, i2, ..., ik, count)
k = 1
C1 = all items
Ck filter: remove the infrequent --->Lk need 1 pass through all baskets
子集包含关系:形成一个k+1 candidate itemsets Ck+1, 它的k 子集必须都是frequent k-itemsets
SON alg:
Map reduce for finding frequent item sets
1. divide basket file into chunks, fraction p
2. treat chunk as sample
3. run discovery alg on the sample --support threshold = p*s
4. collect frequent itemset from chunks. form candidate item sets
5. 2nd pass through baskets: collect counts for candidates. return frequent ones
- a global frequent itemset may not always local frequent (all chunks), but at least in 1 chunk, it is frequent
- false negative: LOCAL yes GLOBAL no. local infrequent can be frequent, global infrequent cannot be frequent
- false positive: LOCAL yes GLOBAL no. local frequent can be infrequent in some other chunks, but global cannot
Apriori with Son framework
Two phases
• Phase 1: Find candidate itemsets (local frequent)
找出各个sample中所有 可能global frequent的 local frequent itemsets
a. Map:
– Input: a chunk of basket file
– Output: (F, 1)'s, where F is a local frequent itemset
– Input: a chunk of basket file
– Output: (F, 1)'s, where F is a local frequent itemset
Chunk 1:
– (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1)
– ((1, 2), 1), ((1,3), 1), ..., ((3,4), 1)
– ((1,2,3), 1), ((1,3,4), 1), ((2,3,4), 1)
Chunk 2:
– (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1)
– ((1, 2), 1), ((1,3), 1), ((1,4), 1), ((2,3),1), ..., ((3,5), 1)
– ((1,2,3), 1), ((1,2,4), 1), ((2,3,5), 1)
– (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1)
– ((1, 2), 1), ((1,3), 1), ..., ((3,4), 1)
– ((1,2,3), 1), ((1,3,4), 1), ((2,3,4), 1)
Chunk 2:
– (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1)
– ((1, 2), 1), ((1,3), 1), ((1,4), 1), ((2,3),1), ..., ((3,5), 1)
– ((1,2,3), 1), ((1,2,4), 1), ((2,3,5), 1)
b. Reduce:
– Input: (F, a list of 1's) -- count-filter
– Output: (F, 1)-- local frequent
(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1)
– Input: (F, a list of 1's) -- count-filter
– Output: (F, 1)-- local frequent
(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1)
((1, 2), 1), ((1,3), 1), ..., ((3,4), 1), ((3,5), 1) ((1,2,3), 1), ((1,2,4), 1), ((1,3,4), 1), ((2,3,4), 1),
((2,3,5), 1)
((2,3,5), 1)
• Phase 2:Collect counts & find global frequent itemsets
对phase1得到的local frequent itemsets进行global count,全局筛选
a. Map:
– Input: all candidate itemsets and a subset of baskets
– Output: (C, v)'s, where C is a candidate itemset, v
is C's count in the subset
– (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 1) – ((1, 2), 3), ((1,3), 4), ...
– (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 2) – ((1, 2), 4), ((1,3), 2), ...
– (1, 4), (2, 4), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 1) – ((1, 2), 3), ((1,3), 4), ...
– (1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 3), (4, 2), (5, 2) – ((1, 2), 4), ((1,3), 2), ...
b. Reduce:
– Input: (C, list of v's)
– Input: (C, list of v's)
(1, [4,4]), ...
– Output: (C, sum of v's) if global frequent
(1, 8), (2, 9), (3, 7), (4, 5), ((1,2), 7), ...
Apriori with Son framework ALG OPTIMIZATION
The main time reduction is in my "candidate generation, L to C" step in apriori,
To be a candidate item set, all of its immediate subsets must be in the previous frequent list.
there may be multiple methods to realize filter, here share 2 methods:
1) Logical method to remove "ineligible combined set"
python code:
if [i for i in combinations(j,k-1) if i not in Li_1] == []:
2) Mathematical Inference to remove "ineligible combined set
we count the # of generated larger item-set from the frequent item-sets and use "generated item-set: count" to build a dictionary.
From a mathematical perspective, we can assume a item-set is candidate, which means that all of its immediate subsets are in the frequent list.
so how many immediate subsets for a candidate item-set of size n?
it means that a item-set must have C(n,n-1) sons in frequent item-sets, then it can be a candidate to be count in the future
if the member of frequent list is composed by 2 elements, like (1,2) (3,2) (1,3)
then the generated item-set size is 3, like (1,2,3)
if (1,2) (3,2) (1,3) is frequent, then (1,2,3) can be a candidate
Handling larger datasets in memory
leverage unused memory in pass 1
discover some of infrequent pairs
reduce candidates pairs in pass 2 (C2)
Memory requirement
T hash table of item names plus counts n, e.g.24n
C Count table: 4n bytes
create frequent bucket in pass 1--> hash every pair of items to the bucket
2nd pass:
– Generate candidate pair (i, j) only when it hashes
to a frequent bucket >= s
– i and j are both in L1
similar to PCY, but use extra passes to further reduce size of C2
determining the frequent itemsets in the sample, the algorithm builds the
negative borders from the frequent itemsets. Then it considers the entire data
to calculate the frequency of the negative borders. If any of the negative
borders are frequent, we run the sampling again with a new random sample as we
may have frequent itemsets not covered in our initial sample. Else the obtained
frequent itemsets from the sample contain the final result.
Minimally infrequent
• maximally frequent, if
– I is frequent, and if add any item to I, it will become infrequent
– I is frequent, and if add any item to I, it will become infrequent
• minimally infrequent, if
– I is infrequent, and if remove any item from I, it will become frequent
– (I is in "negative border" in Toivonen)
• Every infrequent itemset is
– either minimally infrequent or a superset of some minimally infrequent itemset
- If I is not minimally infrequent, one of its subsets, say Y, must be infrequent
- If Y is not minimally infrequent, continue to find its infrequent subset
- The above process stops at some 1-itemset X
- X is surely minimally infrequent
Toivonen's algorithm steps
1. Start with steps similar to that in SAMPLE alg.– a sample of baskets– Find candidate frequent itemsets in the sample
2. Construct negative borders
– Itemsets infrequent in the sample
– But all immediate subsets (i.e., 1 item less) are frequent in the sample
3. Check if item-sets frequent locally & ones in the negative border are GLOBALLY frequent– Need to make 1 pass through the data set
4. If ALL itemsets in the negative border are IN-frequent in the entire data set
– Itemsets frequent LOCALLY & also frequent GLOBALLY are the only frequent itemsets
5. If some itemsets in the negative border are frequent in the entire data set,
– There may be other frequent items
– No answers are given in this case
– May re-execute the algorithm with a new sample
Negative border is a set of minimally infrequent itemsets in the sample
– All other infrequent itemsets are supersets of itemsets in the negative border
⇒If none of itemsets in negative border is global frequent, none of its supersets can be
(and we know its supersets include all other infrequent itemsets)
May use .9ps / .8ps (instead ps) for sample
– s = support threshold for entire dataset
– p = sampling rate
This in effect pushes down the border, reduces the chance of finding global frequent itemsets in negative border (i.e., false negatives)
– Hence the chance of having to rerun algorithm
– Cost: more false positives LACALLY